Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Gift of Books for Summer Reading

This May the Rotary made a generous gift of books to Allen Brook School ELL students.  Each of the 23 ELL students here at ABS received 2 books to take home and keep!  One student already told me this morning that she loves Gus Loses A Tooth so much, that she is reading it everyday, so she can get good enough to read it to her class!  We are grateful to the Rotary!  

Click here to watch:Thank you for the books!

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spring Poems 

My Life in Colors iPad Project

Spring Poems
This spring Kindergarten ELL students have been writing poems about the new season.  They have had an opportunity to observe and talk about the changes they are noticing around them. And then, to describe these ordinary things using describing and action words.  We enjoyed writing and sharing them with each other!

My Life in Colors
First and second grade ELL students, got a chance to explore how images and words work together to create a message about themselves and what is important to them in their lives, by making a slideshow using an app on the iPad called Haiku Deck. They shared their presentations in small groups and got a chance to practice important public speaking skills such as, making eye contact with the audience and speaking in a clear, loud voice.  Here is a selection of some of our favorite slides from each of our slideshows!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Multicultural Celebration 2015
Hosted by World Language and ELL Program

Each year, the Multicultural Celebration at Williston Central School, is a great time and this year was no different!  The evening included live musical performances, student projects and a potluck tasting of international foods.  Students, families and teachers alike all had a fun night of sharing their cultures, our community's diversity and language around the world! I am always grateful to all of my colleagues who put this event together each year, to all of the students who share their academic work and songs, and to all of the families who bring in amazingly delicious food!   

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Artist, Expert & Poet - A Celebration of Learning

The last of the snow is on the mountain tops and the daffodils are finally in bloom.  We have had a slow start to spring this year, but that hasn't slowed our learning down in the ELL classroom.  This March and April, ELL students were busy working on an extended project that practiced academic language across several disciplines.  In their classrooms, students were working on an animal research project and learning about habitats.  So, in the ELL classroom, students used the background knowledge they were building to describe their animals as an Artist, Expert & Poet.

First students were artists.  They each found a photo of their animal, described it as an artist and then illustrated their own image of it thinking about the real colors of their animals and the habitats the animals lived in. Next, students then wrote and filmed interviews of each other using iMovie.  To do this, they had to write out an introduction to the interview, draft the questions and come up with a closing. Lastly, students were asked to describe their animal as a poet.  We read the poems of Douglas Florian and then wrote our own.  

By wearing all of these hats, Artist, Expert & Poet students practiced how to talk about the same thing using vastly differently academic language.  If you want to try it yourself:  find a photo you like then try describing it as a poet, mathematician, biologist and historian.  

Please enjoy a sample of their art work and poems below.  Their interviews were posted on YouTube and have been shared privately. This was truly a Celebration of Learning!

Leo the Lizard - Grade 1 

I wouldn’t want to

Be a Lizard.

Lizards are covered with scales.

Lizards have sticky tongues.

Lizards are orange.

Lizards have pointy spines.

I wouldn’t want to

Be a Lizard.

Parrots - Grade 2

Some parrots fly across islands.

Some parrots fly over trees.

Some parrots fly next to the sea.

Some parrots fly in my DREAMS.

Penguin - Grade 1  

A penguin is a bird.
A penguin can swim.

A penguin is a bird.

A penguin can dive.

A penguin is a bird.

A penguin can waddle.

A penguin is a bird,
That cannot fly!